V5.40 adds a new measurement method, Fast Subband Adaptive Filtering (FSAF);
an API; measurement groups;
replaces the measurement list with a new version
that better supports drag and drop and offers multiple selection, cut and paste
keyboard shortcuts and filtering; and replaces Actions panels by
measurement and
graph right click menus.
- Added a tool for calculation of speech transmission index
by the indirect method per IEC 60268-16:2020
- Multi-input capture has options to align the individual measurements to the
first input's measurement using cross correlation alignment and to vector
average the individual measurements
- Added: An API accessible over http at localhost (,
the default port is 4735.
- Added: Measurement with arbitrary stimuli (including music and noise) using
the Fast Subband Adaptive Filtering process
developed by Michael Tsiroulnikov aka Michael Zrull.
Other measurement-related changes include:
- Changed: SPL log includes the rolling Leq figure in the Leq trace name and
file header if rolling is selected
- Changed: Stepped IMD distortion with the X axis set to "Input" is plotted
against the input rms level rather than the IMD reference tone level as previously
- Changed: Use frequency-dependent windows to reduce the noise floor of sweep
distortion measurements
- Added: Virtual balanced input
on the Soundcard preferences has a sum/diff mode selection to control
whether the balanced input is added or subtracted
- Changed: Sample format info in the status bar includes the buffer size
when using ASIO
- Added: Support for Q-SYS biquad coefficient format when saving generic
equaliser coefficients to file
- Changed: StormAudio equaliser limits and filter types updated
- Changed: Do not show message for changes in configurable equaliser settings
- Changed: Use stochastic optimiser for configurable equalisers with frequency
step 1 Hz or greater
- Changed: Draw filter responses relative to the total target response level
at 1 kHz rather than relative to the target level figure
- Added: There is a multi-time window
option for impulse responses, whose width is specified at octave centre frequencies
- Added: Left and right window positions can be set by clicking in the area above
the impulse graph
- Changed: Offset t=0 window for overlays has "Apply & prev" and "Apply & next"
buttons to step through the measurements
- Changed: The IACC calculation window is called up from the Tools menu
- Added: A measurement can be set as a reference for other selected measurements
on the All SPL and Overlay SPL graphs
- Added: The alignment tool
has controls to set the allowed delay range
- Added: Alignment tool in phase alignment mode has a check box for whether the
summed phase trace should be shown
- Added: The alignment tool has an option to remove any common time delay between
the measurements being aligned so that the first IR starts at t=0, this may
reduce phase wraps
- Added: Vector sum action in All SPL graph to add multiple measurements
- Added: Some arithmetic operations have an option to control whether the result
should span the overlapping frequency range of the traces or their combined
range (which is the default)
- Added: All SPL measurement right click menu has an action to make a measurement
the current selection for individual graphs
- Changed: Cross corr align improved for measurements with strong reflections
- Changed: Alignment tool phase alignment emphasises phase match nearer to the
alignment frequency
- Changed: Alignment tool phase alignment uses a 1/2 octave span either side
of the alignment frequency
- Changed: Trace arithmetic division uses a maximum gain figure instead of a
regularisation figure
- Changed: Gain limiting for trace arithmetic division and inversion can be
disabled by deselecting the Max gain checkbox
- Changed: For division with frequency limits the target outside the limits
is unity gain and zero phase
- Added: The spectrogram contour intervals include 3 and 6 dB options
- Added: The waterfall can be normalised to the peak at each frequency
- Added: Waterfall and spectrogram have an "Apply settings to all" button
to replicate settings to other measurements
- Added: Signal generator has a musical note selector
- Added: The generator can produce uncorrelated noise signals
- Added: The generator can produce Gaussian noise signals
- Added: Signal generator Speech noise signal per IEC 60268-16:2020
- Added: The jitter test signal can be chosen as 16-bit or 24-bit
- Changed: The repeat interval for the CEA-2010 burst matches the RTA
FFT length (with a minimum of 1 second)
- Changed: Increased voltage presets on FS sine Vrms field to 8
- Added: The RTA distortion settings have a Cross correlation averaging
option to reduce input noise when measuring a signal that is connected
to both the measurement and reference inputs
- Added: Stereo WAV files dropped on the RTA can be processed using
cross correlation averaging
- Added: The RTA has a peak finder
to identify peaks in the spectrum
- Added: RTA has an option in the graph controls to stop the generator
when the RTA stops
- Added: Amplitude correction for the RTA ENOB figure can be turned off
in the distortion settings
- Changed: RTA max SPL limits for CEA-2010 burst can be either CEA 2010 (2006),
CTA-2010-B or CTA-2034-B
- Changed: Custom two-tone signals with a 4:1 amplitude ratio are treated
as modulation distortion measurements for the purpose of deciding the frequencies for d3, d4 and d5
- Changed: Increased voltage presets on FS sine Vrms field to 8
- Changed: RTA option to stop at a number of averages can be used with file data
- Added: Support for importing Flac and MP3 files
- Added: Support for importing lspCAD convolution impulse .txt and
emulator impulse .txt files
- Added: IR text export header includes the data offset figure, that offset
will be used if the file is later imported
- Added: View preferences has a "Use large icons" option in the Graph
section to facilitate touch screen use
- Added: View preferences to show notes on the measurement panels and
overlay measurement panels and choose how many lines of notes to show
- Added: There are View preferences to set the tuning frequency for musical
notes (default is 440 Hz) and choose the octave notation style
- Changed: Right press to pan can be turned off in the View preferences
- Changed: When the "Enable mousewheel zoom" View preference is not
selected the mouse wheel may still be used to zoom by scrolling on the axes
There are a variety of additions and changes to the user interface:
- Changed: Replaced the measurement list with a new version that better
supports drag and drop and offers multiple selection, cut and paste keyboard shortcuts (when the list has focus) and filtering
- Changed: Overlays have a new way of selecting what measurements appear
on them, a condensed version of the new measurements list
- Changed: Actions panels have been replaced by right click menus for
graphs for quicker access to the actions
- Added: Measurements can be grouped
- Added: Toolbar icon for trace arithmetic
- Added: Offset t=0 for a measurement on impulse overlay shifts the
trace live as well as showing the phase impact
- Added: The top of the impulse response graph magnitude plot can be
set manually or automatically
- Added: There is a checkbox in the SPL & Phase graph controls to select
whether or not to show the component model overlay on impedance traces
- Added: Overlay graph trace options include measurement name
- Added: Show a message on the distortion overlay graph if the measurement
selections do not have the chosen distortion measure
- Added: Ctrl+TAB and Ctrl+Shift+TAB can be used to navigate through the
measurements right click panel fields and then the list of measurements
- Added: The SPL & Phase graph has an option to show the musical note
corresponding to the cursor frequency
- Added: Clicking on the Max SPL figure at the bottom of the main REW
window will open the cal settings panel for the input
- Added: Show full path for entries in recently used files list as tooltips
- Added: Prevent users from saving files to the REW temp folder
- Added: A custom clarity trace with a control to set the division
between early and late time in the graph controls
- Added: The full scale input voltage, full scale output voltage and
ref resistance for a measurement can be edited on the Info dialog
- Changed: Left press and hold can be used to move the graph when using
large graph icons
- Changed: The RT60 decay upper graph has the same SPL span and time
span as the waterfall below, with a small additional margin
- Changed: Graph image captures do not include check boxes and only
include values if the option to include the cursor is selected
- Changed: Restore windows to the screen they were last on
- Changed: Voltage axis can go up to 1000 V
- Changed: When an mdat file is loaded the overlays selections it had
when saved will be restored
- Changed: Room simulator allows sources to be placed with their acoustic
centres flush with room surfaces
- Changed: Thiele-Small parameters "Write parameters to file" includes
simplified model parameters
- Changed: When Thiele-Small parameters free air measurement is selected
clear any secondary measurement selections
Finally, there are a number of bug fixes:
- Fixed: Preserve relative timing for multi-input captures made without
a timing ref maintains the chosen t=0 reference
- Fixed: Stepped sine THD results were limited to the 9th harmonic even
if data was captured up to 50th harmonic
- Fixed: The Remove all confirmation could get stuck behind other windows
- Fixed: Index out of bounds for some stepped sine test settings
- Fixed: Prefix meas name with output did not show secondary ASIO output
- Fixed: Disabled filters were included in Kali Santa Monica exported files
- Fixed: CEA thresholds overlay for saved CEA2010 measurements was drawn
based on generator frequency instead of the saved data frequency
- Fixed: The native file dialog on macOS did not pre-populate save dialogs
with the default filename
- Fixed: Align SPL dialog did not retain the choice of using fixed dB or
average level when next used
- Fixed: Trace arithmetic results which do not have an impulse response
could have partially unwrapped phase
- Fixed: Graph capture legend labels could show incorrect smoothing
- Fixed: Temporary copies of measurements might have incomplete distortion data
- Fixed: The bottom axis limit setting for the impedance & phase graph
could not be raised from 0 using the spinner buttons when using log impedance axis
- Fixed: ARTA .pir import was not working properly
- Fixed: The LFE end frequency could be applied when measuring from file
- Fixed: The Impulse graph ETC smoothing spinner did not update when
switching between measurements
- Fixed: The result of an alignment tool sum could have its peak at
the end of the IR if the alignment delay placed it before the start times of the aligned responses
- Fixed: Predicted phase for imported measurements did not update when
filters were changed
- Fixed: EQ target match optimiser did not properly manage Q limits
for equalisers using classic Q
- Fixed: Unintentional scroll events from finger movement on Apple
magic mouse dismissed popups
- Fixed: Spectrograms for imported audio data may not have started at t=0
- Fixed: Impulse response import did not use the Analysis preferences
default width for the left window
- Fixed: RTA was not correctly processing multi-channel WAV files
- Fixed: RMS+phase and dB+phase averages of measurements whose IRs start
at 0 seconds had left window set to zero
- Fixed: Filter panel gain spinner buttons stopped working for negative
gains in Macedonian locale
- Fixed: Generating EQ for measurements with differing configurable
equaliser settings could cause exceptions
- Fixed: Selecting an ASIO driver did not update the soundcard cal choice
- Fixed: Peak of rms + phase average IR could end up in the wrong place
- Fixed: Alignment tool did not use correct phase data if measurements
being aligned had FDW
- Fixed: Watermark Y position was wrong on graphs that had two graph views
- Fixed: Magnitude plot cursor position was incorrect on image captures
of the Impulse graph
- Fixed: "Measure with these filters" caused an exception if there had
not been any previous measurements
- Fixed: Window resizing limits were based on the display used on startup
rather than the current display for the window
- Fixed: Sample rate was only shown in the status bar when it changed
- Fixed: Index out of bounds when saving an RTA peak measurement with
multiple inputs and group averages enabled
- Fixed: Some WAV files could not be opened correctly if the file length
did not match the WAV specification
- Fixed: Graph smoothing shortcuts on macOS did not work properly
- Fixed: Clicking Calibrate on the SPL meter with a calibrated UMIK on
macOS would request a cal file when it should say cal is not required
- Fixed: Phase wraps may not be shown correctly on the predicted phase trace
- Fixed: Default smoothing was not applied to the group delay of new measurements
- Fixed: On Linux interfaces could be opened with too many channels if
they declared a very high maximum channel count
- Fixed: Input cal data panel could appear behind the Measure dialog
- Fixed: A stepped sine measurement that was stopped due to excessive
clipping would cause an exception
- Fixed: Allow graphical filter edit with a house curve that has an offset
- Fixed: Impedance cal measurements did not properly override measurement
sweep frequency range
- Fixed: Impedance measurement noise filters were not being applied
- Fixed: Graph x axis frequency presets did not work properly if the
chosen end frequency was too far beyond the range of the loaded measurements
- Fixed: Trim IR to windows could prepend zero-valued data to the trimmed IR
- Fixed: Producing a minimum phase response from an imported data file
could generate an index out of bounds exception
- Fixed: ENOB calculation gave results 0.5 bits higher than they should be
- Fixed: Trace arithmetic on responses whose IR start times were greater
than zero and whose windowed IRs had little or no overlap in time would produce an error
- Fixed: Filter text export for LSQ and HSQ shelf filters had incorrect Q values
- Fixed: Selecting dBr as the Y axis on the SPL & Phase graph for a saved
RTA measurement was not handled correctly
- Fixed: On macOS and Linux spinners might not commit their edits on loss of focus
- Fixed: NPE would occur if the EQ window was opened with no measurement
loaded and the filter adjust graph Y axis was dBr
- Fixed: The t=0 offset phase preview smoothing behaviour did not match
the measurement phase smoothing
- Fixed: Calculate target level would not adjust the target by more than
100 dB from the current value
- Fixed: Stepped sine THD measurements should base the fundamental frequency
on the test frequency
- Fixed: Stepped level measurement X axis limits were set incorrectly on
the SPL & Phase graph
- Fixed: Sequential channels selection panel on the Measure dialog was
limited to 4 rows
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