Trace Arithmetic

The Trace Arithmetic tool allows the chosen pair of traces to be added, subtracted, multiplied, divided, coherently (aka vector) averaged or merged. Either of the traces may also be inverted (magnitude, phase or both). Division and inversion can be restricted to a frequency range with the response left unchanged outside that range. If both the chosen traces have impulse responses, the result will also have an impulse response, however the sample rates must be either the same or related by an integer. For example, traces at 44.1kHz and 11.025kHz can be combined via an arithmetic operation, the result will have the higher of the two rates. This allows operations on band limited measurements which may have been decimated to a lower sample rate.

Trace arithmetic controls

If the traces have incompatible sample rates, or neither has an impulse response, the result will not have an impulse response, but it may have both magnitude and phase data if both the traces it was applied to had magnitude and phase data, otherwise the result will only have magnitude data and the traces will be treated as incoherent. If one trace has an impulse response and the other does not the result will have an impulse response. This could be used to merge a cal file response with an IR or apply a target response adjustment to an IR.

The frequency span of the result of an arithmetic operation will usually be from the lowest start frequency to the highest end frequency of the traces operated on. Some operations have the option of limiting the result to the overlapping range of the measurements, that is controlled by the Result spans combined frequency range control. Outside their frequency range traces are treated as being zero valued, with the exception of the divisor in a division operation which is treated as being unity outside its range. If the measurements actually have significant levels outside the measurement range the zero setting will generate oscillations in frequency and time domains, for best results use traces that span the full frequency range.

Trace arithmetic notes

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